Service / Medical therapy / Mud wrap

Mud wrap Piestany

New: mineral - sulfur mud wrap

The mud is used in the form of compresses in locomotary diseases, in gynaecological diseases, in respiratory diseases or in cosmetic treatment of the soft, sensitive and dry skins, which is regenerated, cleansed and nourished this way.

Treatment therapy in the form of wraps with mineral sulphurous peloid - mud administered as
- partial spine wrap and 2 paired joints (either shoulders or elbows or wrists or hips or knees or ankles)
- total wrap for the spine and all joints (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles)

The temperature of the applied mud is ca 45°C (it ranges from 44° - 46°C). The whole mud layer is about 5 cm (3 – 8 cm), in the whole body mud it uses up to 60 kg of the mud.
During the wrapping procedure the local as well as the whole body warming occurs, which depends on the space of the wrap. The warmth increases the blood circulation and the local metabolism and this way it accelerates the absorption of the chronic infalammatory infiltrates, softens the tissue, relieves the skeletal muscles and the muscles of the inner organs.

The mud wraps reduces the joint enema, reduces the muscle tension, improves the cartilage nourishment, and the joint tissues and intervertebral plates. In helps to reduce inflammatory activities and immune processes in the body, hinders the elastine, colagen and hyaluronan degradation, which improves the function of the cartilage, phoroplasts and joint mobility.
Indications: locomotary diseases, respiratory diseases, urological and gynaelogical diseases, digestive diseases

Contraindications: not suitable for patients with cardiovascular diseases, after the encephalotrophy and after oncological operations
The duration of the partial or the whole body wrap is about 20 minutes. The procedure is followed by a shower and dry wrap lasting for ca 15 minutes.
The procedires and its duration depend on the doctor´s prescription.

